• Name: Flavius Belisarius
  • Epithet: The True Last Roman
  • Fun Fact: The US military bases it's view and strategy on Belisarius's. Everyone who goes thru officer school knows his name. The previous Secretary of Defense, General Mattis, based his philosophy on Belisarius.
  • Name: Gaius Octavius Augustus Caesar
  • Epithet: Father of the Roman Empire
  • Fun Fact: After the civil war, Augustus Caesar orignally tried to restore the Republic, but the Senate wouldn't allow it due to them losing the power they gained. Going against this wish would have led to another civil war, which Augustus was trying to prevent. As a result, he never refered to himself as Emperor.
  • Name: Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Epithet: God of War
  • Fun Fact:
  • Name: Oda Nobunaga
  • Epithet: The Demon Daimyo
  • Fun Fact: In media, he's almost always shown in his two extremes: his younger idealist self who wanted to unify Japan to end the constant wars between the clans and his older self who descended to madness after the constant loss of friends and betrayals of his own family whom was willing to do anything to make Japan unified.
  • Name: Attila the Hun
  • Epithet: The Black Horse/ The Scourge of God
  • Fun Fact: His best friend and adobtive brother was Flavius Attius, whom was the one person who was his equal in combat. After his first great defeat by his own friend's hands, he and his men returned to their camp, he spend all night building a great fire and said, "I want to lay in this fire after my defeat to Attius."
  • Name: Hardald Hardrada
  • Epithet: Storm of the Spears/ Feeder of the Ravens
  • Fun Fact: When he died, it marked the end of the Viking Age.

Turn: 1

Player 1: 50/50
Player 2: 50/50