Arjun Nair

I am a Software engineer with a strong background in the Backend with knowledge of networking. Having professional experience with React has led me to gain a proficiency in React as my main Frontend language. I enjoy researching new concepts to improve my projects and desire a role where I also have the freedom to research outside the requirements if possible.


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  • React
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Materialize



  • C#
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Java
  • VB.NET
  • Kotlin
  • Ubuntu
  • Git



  • Android SDK
  • Rails
  • Flask
  • Node.js
  • Express.js



  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • sqlite



  • bcrypt
  • passportjs
  • Kali Linux
  • Password Hashing



  • AWS
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Docker
  • GitHub
  • Android Studios
  • Visual Studios



  • Android Basics Nanodegree by Google


  • C# Fundementals Certification
  • Beginning C# Collections Certification
  • Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals in C# Certification
  • ASP.NET Core Fundamentals

General Assembly LA

  • Software Engineering Immersive

Fullerton College

  • A.S. Computer Information Systems
  • A.A. Foreign Language - Japanese

Projects - Software Engineer

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Bebop Bank ATM

The self-servicing ATM app is going to emulate what an ATM should do when you walk into your bank and use the ATM. Most problems with the ATM today are that ATMs now do not follow Atomicity. Most ATMs when a failure happens will reflect the transaction on the account but not on the ATM. This is most common in withdrawals where a customer would take out money and towards the end, there would be a system failure, the money will never dispense, and the money will reflect towards the account that the money has been taken out when it really was not. We are here to emulate an ATM and make sure this problem does not happen so your company can have less angry customers when this error happens.

  • On top of helping to build the Backend and I created and structured the Microsoft SQL database and helped ensure that the tables were able to connect with each other
  • Helped setup, design, and build the Model Layer, Data Layer, Business Layer, and API Layer of the application
  • Worked with my partner to properly implement the API for the Back-End and ensure that the project was able to connect to the AWS pipeline in both the Back-End and Front-End
  • After completing the functionalities of the Back-End, joined the rest of the team and helped connect the Back-End to the Front-End
  • Worked with a partner to help debug the project and find vulnerabilities using SonarCloud

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An educational application for history teachers to create timelines of events using a Wikipedia API. The program has two CRUD functions; the first function creates the timeline object and the second function creates the events in the timeline. You can include videos and infographics as extra media to help understand the event better. The Wikipedia API is used so when you type in the name of the person or event, the intro of the Wikipedia article pops up.

  • Worked on the python and flask backend of a full stack application with group to create a timeline application where educators are able to create and customize their own historical timelines
  • Integrated RESTful API to connect Wikipedia articles of historical events into the timelines created
  • Able to add images to each event within the timeline as well as event infographics, charts, video links, and other media that would help teach the event in the timeline

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Cyberpunk 2077 Character Planner

A rpg character planner for the video game, Cyberpunk 2077. The character planner is supposed to help you plan out your build for your character before you begin your newest campaign. The planner is barebone and will improve for the future.

  • Used MEN stack to create two CRUDs for creating the character.
  • The first CRUD application creates the character’s backstory and your “headcanon” for the character
  • The second CRUD application creates the character’s game build using the character you made in the first CRUD

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Know Your Enemy

This is a historical fighting game where to land a successful attack, you need to answer the trivia question correctly. However, the trivia question will not be on your own character, but that of your opponent's; each correct answer is a successful strike on the enemy.

  • A game made entirely in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and JQuery
  • Used Javascript to store trivia questions and answers
  • Also used Javascript to connect each question set to a different historical figure

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Pokemon Card Game

A react pokemon game where each player is given four random cards and who ever has the better pokemon, wins.

  • Simplified Pokemon card game
  • Uses React to quickly implement and open up the application
  • Styled to look like the old games

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Dice Roll

A simple dice application made with react.

  • Simple dice app made with React
  • Dice is animated with each roll
  • Simple style


Sailor Moon

Filter that randomly selects a coding superpower related to a language. Once chosen, gives user a Tiara!

  • Uses Spark AR to detect face and select your Sailor Scout Tiara
  • Each tiara's color corresponds with a language
  • Won Crowd Favorite at Facebook Developer Circle Hackathon in LA

Projects - Android


Live Guardian Feed

Uses a Guardian News API to show a live feed of current news articles by the guardian. This app shows a live feed of the Guardian and will open an article when clicked. The feed displays the title, author, time, and category of each article.


Guide To Santa Monica

This project is a tourism app that has four categories: Beach, Food, Shopping, and Fun. The app navigates each category by sliding sideways. The app shows a thumbnail and summary of the location.

  • Displays four categories
  • The app navigates each category by sliding sideways.
  • The app shows a thumbnail and summary of the location.



This project is a music player application that shows songs, artists, albums, and playlists. The app also has a shuffle button on the main page and the music player controls is at the bottom. The app only plays one song for now, but am planning to makeit scan the phone to play any mp3 files.


Romani Millennium

This project is a quiz app on five questions about Rome. The questions include three radios, one checkbox question, and a fill in the blank. The app shows a your score in the form of a toast.


Four Scores

An American Footbal score keeper app. Not only does the app keep track of the score, but it also keeps track of the amount of extra points, safties, field goals, and touchdowns a team makes. Each score is color corrdinated to the button.


Twenty Games

A mock one page app of an imaginary business. The company logo is at the top along with a short sentence on what they sell. Address, time schedule and phone number is included.